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Suggestions from Arizona

July 2, 2012
The blog world is amazing. Joe, living in Florida, has been following this blog for quite a while. He spent a lot of time in West Virginia working at a animal sanctuary near Princeton. Like me, he reads a lot of other blogs from around the country and passed this one on after reading about how the storm damage and the heat is causing a lot of problems here. By the way, Joe has also sent some heirloom tomato seeds from a plant found in the Everglades.
TBN Ranch

Keeping the Chickens Cool, Here’s How!

Posted on August 2, 2011

In this Article:
• Proven Methods to Help Chickens Survive the Heat
• What to Do When a Chicken Suffers with Heat Exhaustion
• Egg Production

Surviving the Heat

It has been a brutal month for my flock in the scorching heat, Phoenix this summer has well exceeded 110 degrees in the shade, and 115 or higher in the full sun.  Over the years I’ve learned to recognize the danger signs of a bird in distress before it’s too late, but learning how avoid distress in the first place is the real trick. I’d like to share what I’ve found to be the best way.  I may not be an expert, but keeping confined chickens in the desert in July with ZERO fatalities makes me dang close!

First off, get rid of those standard drinkers, the plastic ones and especially the metal ones are absolutely unacceptable in extreme temperatures.  Buckets of water, dish pans, etc. and notice this recommendation is plural. Watch the sun, place many around the yard where at any given time of the day there is water available in the shade.  I like buckets, they are easy to pick up and replace with cold water during the day. You can place a large rock next to the bucket for easier access, but quite honestly if they can’t reach the water without a rock, the water is already too hot and they aren’t drinking it anyway, keeping them full means you’re keeping the water cool.  VITAL!  I have four buckets in my chicken yard.

I hang a box fan on the fence; this without a doubt has made the difference between life and death. Again, I stress the point of buckets of water, because as water evaporates it cools the air, so keep one or more near the fan.  Keep the area by the fan shaded, if there isn’t any, make some. Palm fronds, shade cloth, lattice, all work nicely. Avoid tarps, wood, or anything that will inhibit air movement.

Ground litter including hay and pine shavings hold in the heat, rake everything up, especially chicken droppings which also contributes to an elevated ground temperature.  Bare ground is a little extra work for you to keep clean, but a once over with a rake everyday is a small price to pay if it means saving your birds.  Don’t discourage hole digging, it’s a perfect place for dumping water buckets during the day, chickens will play in the water then lay in the mud holes to stay cool.

Mist systems are nice, but chickens are not especially fond of them, the air around them however is about 5 to 10 degrees cooler, so you’ll find them congregating near it.  The free standing type run only about $10, I like those best because they aren’t overbearing. Chickens will avoid getting wet if they have a choice; they do however like the ground moisture a mister provides. I keep my mister attached to a hose outside the fence and poke the mister through the fence. Inside the fence line below the mister I have an area enclosed with concrete edger [or bricks will do fine] to hold the moisture in.  This also provides the ideal conditions for worms – a treat indeed for chickens.  Often the birds are too busy looking for worms to notice they are under the mist system.  Success!

Fluids obviously are important and water is the best source, but another way to entice them to drink and stay hydrated is watermelon.  I cut a seedless watermelon in half and place it in a shallow ground feeder at the hottest time of the day. They will pick it down to the green rind in a matter of 15 minutes. Fresh lettuce and cantaloupe are also beneficial.

Heat Exhaustion, What to Do!

A chicken that is suffering heat exhaustion will be lying down, panting, and is lethargic or unable to stand. They lack color and are unresponsive to their surroundings.  If you don’t act quickly they will die. Heavy birds such as Orphingtons, Rocks, etc. are the first to show signs of intolerance to extreme heat.

•Act Fast•

Again I’ll stress the importance of those buckets of water in the yard, this time find one that is not freshly filled with cold water and place the bird in the bucket of water until it is soaked.  Remove the bird from the yard [the others will pick on a distressed bird] and place it under tree or a shady spot, preferably on grass.  If it’s not a breezy day, get a fan on the bird, a low setting is best.  Stay with the bird and hold the wings away from the body helping it to cool quicker.  I keep a plastic baby pool handy near the chicken yard; after the bird begins to show signs of relief usually about 10 minutes, I place it in the baby pool with about 3 inches of cold water.  Within 15 minutes the bird should be standing on its own, and most likely looking for the way out!  I then return the bird to the chicken yard, but under observation until the sun goes down.

Egg Production

Egg production has been remarkably good this summer. The only thing I changed this summer was a new nesting structure in the shade. It’s nothing more than four nesting boxes stacked two high on cinder blocks. I never imagined they would use it, I threw a golf ball in one nest box, hoped for the best, and they took the hint right away.

It is always good practice to pick eggs as quickly as you can, but it’s even more important to do so when it’s hot, especially if you keep setters. They will sit on those eggs in a billion degrees and literally bake themselves to death in the coop or nest box. I often have to reach under my Orphingtons and take their eggs away, or any other bird’s eggs they claim, then shag them out of the coop.  They are not an easy bird to keep in the desert, they are very broody and not at all heat tolerant. I’ve had two this summer that I brought back from near death using the method mentioned above.

I hope these bits and pieces of chicken chit has been helpful!

12 Comments leave one →
  1. July 2, 2012 8:43 pm

    Yup, you gotta love this blogging community of ours. 🙂

  2. July 3, 2012 6:09 am

    if we ever get any heat here in the UK I shall know what to do to keep the chickens cool!!

    • July 3, 2012 8:12 am

      This info was very helpful and the farmer whose original comments initiated Joe’s suggestion has already gotten back to me that he will put everything in place asap!! I LOVE how small the internet community can be!!!

  3. July 3, 2012 9:20 am

    “We are family” !!!
    I’m delighted that farmer could use the info submitted by Amy Elizabeth at TBN Ranch. Whether you raise livestock or poultry, have horses or Donks, my dear friend’s site is a gold mine of knowledge.
    Rarely do you meet someone so willing to lend a hand. She truly follows the “Cowboy” way. Oh, and if you like real Cowboy poetry, then reading her stuff will quickly turn your Lazy Boy recliner into a butt worn leather saddle! Check out her blog and give her a holler!
    If I get back up your way wvfarm2u, I’m gonna stop and tip my hat your direction for a spell. JW

    • July 3, 2012 1:40 pm

      Always invited Joe. The “b&b” has a room for you. You’ve earned your stay!! LOL –Beth

      • July 3, 2012 8:37 pm

        When I’m up there, I will definitely look you up. Until then, I’ll keep up with you via your blog. I wonder how hard it is to start my own farmers market ??? Hhmmmm 🙂

  4. July 3, 2012 12:12 pm

    Gosh, thank you! I’m leaving another link from my blog about chicken keeping in hot weather, maybe it can add a little something more.

    • July 3, 2012 1:39 pm

      Thank you so much for your helpful insights. I have been hearing not only here in the comments but also on Facebook and via email how much the information in your blog post that I shared here has been appreciated.

  5. July 3, 2012 12:42 pm

    All great information. The past four days was 100 plus temps for us in Georgia. Not the normal. I will do some of the mentioned tips the next time.

    • July 3, 2012 1:36 pm

      Joe sharing TBNRanch info was so timely. We can all learn from each other so much!!

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